Author: Blaz Grapar, blaz.grapar@email.si
20031030 Laurent G. Beaudet - Corrected the computation of height vs width
Please don't delete names in the script. Thanks.
This class creates a thumbnail of an image. Size of thumbnail is determined with maximum width and height of an thumbnail.
// ==========================================================================================
// Changings: by Gotti
// Purpose of changes: If thumb with same size already exists we don't need to write it again.
// Support for GD1 added.
// GD does not support .gif so we handle them as .jpg
// Added missing function 'imagedestroy()'
// Changed lines: 135-146, 165-170, 199
// Homepage: http://www.mambo.i-d-sign.com
// Author: Gotti
// Date: 10.02.2004
// ==========================================================================================
class Thumbnail
var $source;
var $max_width;
var $max_height;
var $dest;
var $exist = false;
// function Thumbnail( $source, $max_width = 100, $max_height = 100, $dest = '' )
function Thumbnail( $source, $max_width, $max_height, $dest = '' )
$this->source = $source;
$this->max_width = $max_width;
$this->max_height = $max_height;
$this->dest = $dest;
// Get the width of the original image
function GetWidth()
$size = GetImageSize($this->source);
return $size[0];
//return ImageSX($this->source);
// Get the height of the original image
function GetHeight()
$size = GetImageSize($this->source);
return $size[1];
//return ImageSY($this->source);
// Get the type of the image
function GetType()
$size = GetImageSize($this->source);
switch ( $size[2] )
case 1:
return 'gif';
case 2:
return 'jpg';
case 3:
return 'png';
// Width calculation of thumbnail
function CalcWidth()
if ($this->GetWidth() > $this->GetHeight()) {
// let's take the width as the largest dimension
return ($this->max_width);
} else {
// the width will have to be of the same ration as the height
return(floor(($this->max_height * $this->GetWidth()) / $this->GetHeight()));
// Height calculation of thumbnail
function CalcHeight()
if ($this->GetWidth() > $this->GetHeight()) {
// the height will have to be of the same ration as the width
return(floor(($this->max_width * $this->GetHeight()) / $this->GetWidth()));
} else {
// let's take the height as the largest dimension
// Creating a thumbnail
function Create()
switch ($this->GetType())
case 'gif':
$img_src = ImageCreateFromGIF ( $this->source );
case 'jpg':
$img_src = ImageCreateFromJPEG ( $this->source );
case 'png':
$img_src = ImageCreateFromPNG ( $this->source );
$gd = 2;
$img_des = ImageCreateTrueColor ( $this->CalcWidth(), $this->CalcHeight() );
if (!$img_des) {
$gd = 1;
$img_des = ImageCreate( $this->CalcWidth(), $this->CalcHeight() );
for($i=0; $i<256; $i++)
imagecolorallocate($img_des, $i, $i, $i);
if ($gd==2) {
ImageCopyResampled( $img_des, $img_src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->CalcWidth(), $this->CalcHeight(), $this->GetWidth(), $this->GetHeight() );
} else {
imagecopyresized( $img_des, $img_src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->CalcWidth(), $this->CalcHeight(), $this->GetWidth(), $this->GetHeight() );
return $img_des;
// Output the thumbnail to file or directly to a client
function Output()
if (file_exists($this->dest)) {
$old_size = getimagesize($this->dest);
if ($old_size[0] == $this->CalcWidth())
$exist = true;
if ($exist==false) {
switch ($this->GetType())
case 'gif':
if (empty($this->dest))
header ("Content-type: image/jpeg");
return ImageJPEG($this->Create());
return ImageJPEG( $this->Create(), $this->dest );
case 'jpg':
if (empty($this->dest))
header ("Content-type: image/jpeg");
return ImageJPEG($this->Create());
return ImageJPEG( $this->Create(), $this->dest );
case 'png':
if (empty($this->dest))
header ("Content-type: image/png");
return ImagePNG($this->Create());
return ImagePNG( $this->Create(), $this->dest );
Tessuto non Tessuto NOSTRA PRODUZ. |
Utilizzando il Polimero Polipropilene, una delle resine più versatili oggi prodotte, la nostra tecnologia consente di ottenere un TESSUTO NON TESSUTO dalle eccellenti caratteristiche, da non trascurare il fatto che è un prodotto di NOSTRA PRODUZIONE
Clicca qui per vedere le macchine con cui lo produciamo
Il Polimero Polipropilene allo stato solido viene fuso e, tramite un estrusione, spinto attraverso speciali "filiere" dotate di fori sottilissimi; da questi escono sottili filamenti continui che, dopo il raffreddamento, vengono depositati su di un nastro trasportatore fino a formare un tappeto continuo ed omogeneo. Questo tappeto viene poi sottoposto all'azione simultanea di temperatura e pressione affinché i singoli filamenti si saldino tra di loro: ciò genera una superficie tessile di varie grammature, morbida e molto resistente, dalle infinite applicazioni. |
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