source = $source; $this->max_width = $max_width; $this->max_height = $max_height; $this->dest = $dest; } // Get the width of the original image function GetWidth() { $size = GetImageSize($this->source); return $size[0]; //return ImageSX($this->source); } // Get the height of the original image function GetHeight() { $size = GetImageSize($this->source); return $size[1]; //return ImageSY($this->source); } // Get the type of the image function GetType() { $size = GetImageSize($this->source); switch ( $size[2] ) { case 1: return 'gif'; break; case 2: return 'jpg'; break; case 3: return 'png'; break; } } // Width calculation of thumbnail function CalcWidth() { if ($this->GetWidth() > $this->GetHeight()) { // // let's take the width as the largest dimension // return ($this->max_width); } else { // // the width will have to be of the same ration as the height // return(floor(($this->max_height * $this->GetWidth()) / $this->GetHeight())); } } // Height calculation of thumbnail function CalcHeight() { if ($this->GetWidth() > $this->GetHeight()) { // // the height will have to be of the same ration as the width // return(floor(($this->max_width * $this->GetHeight()) / $this->GetWidth())); } else { // // let's take the height as the largest dimension // return($this->max_height); } } // Creating a thumbnail function Create() { switch ($this->GetType()) { case 'gif': $img_src = ImageCreateFromGIF ( $this->source ); break; case 'jpg': $img_src = ImageCreateFromJPEG ( $this->source ); break; case 'png': $img_src = ImageCreateFromPNG ( $this->source ); break; } $gd = 2; $img_des = ImageCreateTrueColor ( $this->CalcWidth(), $this->CalcHeight() ); if (!$img_des) { $gd = 1; $img_des = ImageCreate( $this->CalcWidth(), $this->CalcHeight() ); } for($i=0; $i<256; $i++) imagecolorallocate($img_des, $i, $i, $i); if ($gd==2) { ImageCopyResampled( $img_des, $img_src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->CalcWidth(), $this->CalcHeight(), $this->GetWidth(), $this->GetHeight() ); } else { imagecopyresized( $img_des, $img_src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->CalcWidth(), $this->CalcHeight(), $this->GetWidth(), $this->GetHeight() ); } return $img_des; } // Output the thumbnail to file or directly to a client function Output() { if (file_exists($this->dest)) { $old_size = getimagesize($this->dest); if ($old_size[0] == $this->CalcWidth()) $exist = true; } if ($exist==false) { switch ($this->GetType()) { case 'gif': if (empty($this->dest)) { header ("Content-type: image/jpeg"); return ImageJPEG($this->Create()); } else { return ImageJPEG( $this->Create(), $this->dest ); } break; case 'jpg': if (empty($this->dest)) { header ("Content-type: image/jpeg"); return ImageJPEG($this->Create()); } else { return ImageJPEG( $this->Create(), $this->dest ); } break; case 'png': if (empty($this->dest)) { header ("Content-type: image/png"); return ImagePNG($this->Create()); } else { return ImagePNG( $this->Create(), $this->dest ); } break; } imagedestroy($img_des); } } } ?>
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Cartone ottenuto da fibra di carta KRAFT reciclata, adatta all'imballaggio di qualsiasi materiale che necessiti di protezione.

Rigido, flessibile, in bobina, in formato di vari spessori, stampato, personalizzato.
Può essere accoppiato a vari materiali.
Trova utilizzo in svariati settori, dall'arredamento, all'edilizia, consentendo un'ottima protezione con bassi costi di esercizio.

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